Best PostgreSQL Monitoring & Observability Tools in 2023

This post's content#1: EverSQL for PostgreSQL#2: DataDog#3: Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) #4: VividCortex (DPM)#5: OPM - Open PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is becoming one of the most popular relational databases in 2022, as you can see its Growth on DBengine records, or in the latest StackOverflow developers survey. We have decided to review and list the top… Continue reading Best PostgreSQL Monitoring & Observability Tools in 2023

New – AWS DevOps Guru for RDS for Database performance

This post's contentHow to enable AWS DevOps Guru for RDS:What’s new in AWS DevOps Guru for RDS Aurora:Optimize Slow Queries directly from RDS Summary AWS DevOps Guru launched a RDS support for Aurora (AWS DevOps Guru for RDS), allowing you to closely monitor the database performance and identify potential performance issues. AWS RDS Performance Insights is… Continue reading New – AWS DevOps Guru for RDS for Database performance

Better Database Performance with Google Cloud SQL Insights

This post's contentHow to enable Cloud SQL Insights:What’s new in Google Cloud SQL Insights:Optimize Slow Queries directly from Google Cloud SQL Insights Summary Google Cloud launched an advanced database performance tool (Cloud SQL Insights), allowing you to closely monitor the database performance and identify potential performance issues. Many Google Cloud SQL users have waited for it… Continue reading Better Database Performance with Google Cloud SQL Insights

How to enable slow query log in PostgreSQL [2023 update]

PostgreSQL allows logging slow queries to a file, with a configured query duration threshold. Parsing the slow log with tools such as EverSQL Query Optimizer will allow you to quickly locate the most common and slowest SQL queries in the database. You can optimize these queries automatically using EverSQL Query Optimizer. Enabling PostgreSQL Slow Query Log… Continue reading How to enable slow query log in PostgreSQL [2023 update]

How to Fix MySQL High CPU Usage?

This post's content1. Locate the root cause2. Fix the performance issue3. Make sure it will not happen again4. Summary So you thought your database is in good shape, but suddenly your CPU usage spiked and reached 100% at 2AM. How would you go about tracking the root cause and fix it? 1. Locate the root… Continue reading How to Fix MySQL High CPU Usage?

How to enable slow query log on Google Cloud SQL for MySQL and PostgreSQL

In this post, we will quickly demonstrate how to enable Slow Query Log on Google Cloud SQL for MySQL. Open Cloud SQL Dashboard Click Edit on your Database For Cloud SQL MySQL instances, add these 3 flags (a.k.a. configuration parameters) to your instance: log_output - file / table / none We recommend to choose file, which… Continue reading How to enable slow query log on Google Cloud SQL for MySQL and PostgreSQL

Hibernate ORM 5 review – pros, cons, and how to fix performance problems [2023 review]

This post's contentBackgroundORM Pros:ORM Cons:How to fix performance issues when using Hibernate ORM? Background Hibernate is an open-source project sponsored by RedHat. One of its commonly used components is the Hibernate Object-relational mapping (ORM) which helps developers access databases using an object-oriented approach. Hibernate is helping developers achieve consistency and persistence in their application, using… Continue reading Hibernate ORM 5 review – pros, cons, and how to fix performance problems [2023 review]